miércoles, 9 de diciembre de 2009

90210 ep on Dec. 8

As I have wanted to do this for awhile, I am starting my very own NY mag daily intel 90210 plus and minus points blog. I would seriously welcome comments, (marisa!) Here goes nothing.

afternote...this project is seriously hindered by the fact that I can´t figure out how to make a plus sign on this damn spanish keyboard...


-2 for Naomi´s weird horseback riding slash genie pants outfit.

-1 for Navid´s sudden memory of Jasper pushing him. All the sudden his memory is totally restored? Confusing.

-5 for Navid´s mushiness. Sorry but no high school boy in the history of mankind suggests to his buddies, ´show her your heart´. Thats secret for, ´I´m totally gay´.

-1 for Lori Loughlin in general. She wasn´t really cool on Full House, and she really just isn´t cool here either. Cut it with the slang talk. Plus, no ones mom is actually that hot. Also minus 20 for her looking better in skinny jeans than me.

-1 for surfter chicks angelina jolie white pantsuit at the dance. Seriously?

-10 for Silvers sudden maturity and stability. Its boring, no? She´s bipoplar and her mom just died, shouldn´t she be like, outlashing at the world by sneaking in jack daniels to the school dance and creating some kind of redonk drunk scene?????


Plus 5 for the boys throwing grapes in each others mouths. That is so totally high school and age appropiate

Plus 1 for silvers bossy shutdown of Teddy asking her to the dance. However, -10 because that would actually never happen. If a hot popular rich guy asked you to a dance in high school, you´d obviously never say no. You´d atleast let him get to second base before you realized he was playing you.

Plus 5 for naomi´s continued cattiness in the show. Have you realized that at any point in time Naomi is ruining some girls life? If its not Silver, its Annie, if its not Annie, its Adrianna...so juicy, so ´mean girls!´

Plus 2 for high school awkwardness of Liam asking surfer chick to the dance. Gotta love that...´you wouldn´t like, wanna go to the dance or anything...´line we´ve all heard before.

plus 2 for Naomi´s tanning topless remark. We all know she totally would, and that it would in turn make Silver feel uncomfortable.

Plus 5 for Teddy´s adorable testimony of love for Silver. -4000 because not only would that NEVER happen, even if it did, it wouldn´t be true, we know he´d be flirting with cocktail waitresses at trashy sports bars like, 4 days later, and even if it was, Silver, again, would NEVER turn it down.

Plus 10 for the bossy high school dance that seems like a rapper music video, complete with ice sculptures and a pool... although unrealistic, seems like something that would happen at Beverly Hills High. Photo booth and fake snow? biatches.

Plus 10, 000 for Liam wearing a sexy blazer. Mmmm.

plus 1 for Naomi panicking about the color of her cell phone ´shawl´at the winterwonderland dance. Plus another 1 for her calling it a shawl.

Plus 10 for awkward high school swaying instead of actual dancing.

Plus 2 for Naomi hating on surfer chick for being ´a she male who only has one pair of shoes ´

Plus 20 for all of their amazing dresses, esp Silver´s and Naomi´s at the dance.

Plus 6 for Dixon totally wanting Silver back now that shes bossy and confident and teddy likes her. typical boy, wants what he can´t have.

Plus 10 for someone finally smuggling some vodka into the damn dance!!! hello! whats a school dance without generic vodka!

plus 1000 for asswipe jasper knowing that annie ran over his uncle!!! bossy.

This would take too long to add but all in all, good ep!!!!!!

1 comentario:

  1. Plus 5 for Liam building a boat. So Seth Cohen in The OC circa 2004. I hope he names it 'Naomi Breeze'.

    Plus 2 for Annie's final realization that Jasper is a creep. Minus 2 that it took this long, how could she not see this earlier? I mean even from Dixon, her own brother? Draw.

    Plus 5 for Silver of course acting like a typical female and thinking the blond that hugs Teddy is some random skank when in reality she's his sister.
